The Technology Collection combines the Materials Science Collection, the Engineering Collection, and the Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection into a vast and reliable source of interdisciplinary information across multiple areas of study including computer science, engineering, energy, chemistry, materials science, optics, mathematics, and physics.

Engineering Collection is ProQuest's largest engineering-focused database with full-text and A&I coverage across multiple engineering disciplines and industries. Content includes scholarly journals, trade and industry titles, conference proceedings, dissertations, technical reports, and other sources of gray literature. are also covered, alongside technical reports, conference proceedings, dissertations, and other sources of gray literature.

Materials Science Collection is an interdisciplinary full-text and A&I collection to support researchers studying materials and materials-related concepts. Coverage crosses multiple specialties in materials science from engineering, nanoscience, construction, ceramics, and much more. Content includes scholarly journals, trade and industry titles, conference proceedings, dissertations, technical reports, and other sources of gray literature.

Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection is a full text and A&I database covering the latest developments in high technology, computer science, aerospace, artificial intelligence, energy science, information science, and many others. The Computer Science Database is also included in this collection. Featuring a large and growing set of ongoing full-text publications, the Computer Science Database supports the needs of students and faculty in the fast-growing fields of information technology, computer science, cybersecurity, and other related fields.

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